We have found 28 local and online tutors offering private Ukrainian lessons. This is page 2 of the results.
I live in Kharkiv, Ukraine. My native language is Russian and Ukrainian. Now I'm learning English.
I am confident that my skills, as well as my knowledge regarding my foremost disciplines would indeed be an excellent match for this position and qualified to take on the challenges that teaching offers.
Russian/Ukrainian native speaker with degree in foreign philology and 3 years of tutoring experience.
Russian and Ukrainian native speaker with 4 years college and 5 years university degree and 3 years of tutoring experience
Hello, students! I am native russian and ukrainian speaker and professional language tutor. I have Master`s degree in linguistic(German, Russian, Ukrainian) and translation.In 2012 I have defended a thesis on topic "Dialects of german language in Germany, Austria and Switzerland". I am offering teaching Russian and German for people of different ages. My way of teaching includes: - Grammar practice, - Audio materials (dialogues, songs, movies), - Conversational Russian, German, - Correct pronounciation practice. If you want to improve your language skills or start studying Russian(German), you will definitely like my lessons that are individually tailored for ...
I am a native speaker of Russian and Ukrainian and have one year experience of teaching both languages. In addition, I have two years of experience as an interpreter.
Ukrainian native speaker with a university degree (Specialist’s degree of philology and applied linguistics (language expert, interpreter) and 8 years of tutoring expierence.
Ukrainian and Russian native speaker with Master Degree in Philology, one year of teaching experience.