Punjabi Language Tutor Nimrat

Punjabi Language Tutor Nimrat from Waterloo, ON
Name Nimrat B. Recommended
City Waterloo, ON
Additional Location Mississauga
Teaching Punjabi
Native Language Punjabi, Hindi
Originally From India
Working With Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate
Lessons Take Place Online
Review Rating
Hourly Rate C$27

Mother tongue lover so want to be in touch with my language by teaching it. I can teach IELTS at beginner to advanced level.

Education / Certificates

Studied Punjabi at high school. Talks in Punjabi at home.

Professional Experience

Working as petrochemical analyst Working as online Punjabi tutor Ielts trainer

Teaching Approach

Punjabi language at beginner level and intermediate


Flexible . Please let me know your preference

Teaching Place(s)


My Location
Profile Details
Listed 6 years, Updated 2 years ago | Seen Active - 8 months ago
2 reviews available.


Pretty good
2 years ago

Nimrat has a good, simple approach in her teaching. She's can adjust to how you learn, and is able to find a way to help you remember what you've learned, and how the language works. Recommended


Great tutor!
5 years ago

Nimrat has been a wonderful tutor for my elementary aged children. She is very likable so my kids are keen on learning Punjabi plus they can do it from the comfort of their home. She keeps them interested by introducing new ways of learning and incorporating games and things they see around the house. I would highly recommend her! :)

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