Spanish Language Tutor Jorge from Calgary

Spanish Language Tutor Jorge from Calgary, AB
Name Jorge M.
City Calgary, AB
Teaching Spanish
Native Language Spanish
Originally From El Salvador
Working With Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Lessons Take Place Locally
Hourly Rate C$25

Spanish native speaker with many years of experience teaching English and subjects such like American History, Social Studies, English Grammar.

Education / Certificates
I do not have any teacher degree from any institution, I am a professional in accounting but being a teacher is for me the most rewarding job since you feel a lot of satisfaction to see how student learn so quickly.
Professional Experience
I was a teacher in a bilingual school in my country for 2 years, teaching the subject metioned.
Teaching Approach
I discuss this with the kind of student and I decide according to the English level they have. When I see students have already a good English knowledge I recommend they take a course like American or Canadian History like a method to increase their English skills because some times students get bored to get just grammar, grammar, and grammar.
I am available at any time, any day.
Teaching Place(s)
I do not have any problem if students want to come to my house or I can go to their houses. If students organize they can make a group of 3, 4 or 5 and I will not charge them individually, I will charge the same price as for 1.
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 7 years, Updated 7 years ago | Seen Active - 7 years ago
0 reviews available.

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