English Language Tutor Peter from Edmonton

Name Peter P.
City Edmonton, AB
Teaching English
Native Language Bulgarian
Lessons Take Place Locally
Hourly Rate C$35

Recently, I returned from the Czech Republic where I was teaching Business English courses at major Czech and European firms and working as a substitute English Composition instructor at the University of New York in Prague.

Education / Certificates
I have been working in the field of education for the last seven years, and after completing my Master’s Degree in Education at the University of Victoria, taught as an English as an Additional Language instructor in the non-profit sector for the Candora Society of Edmonton as well as GED English and Social Studies to adult learners seeking to improve their qualifications at The Learning Centre. I was hired to teach these subjects because I had studied Political Science and Comparative Literature, earning a Major and Minor Bachelor Degree in these fields, respectively and because my interest in these subject areas continues on a personal, though less academically rigorous level.
Professional Experience
Throughout my education career, I have always taken on assignments that appear challenging, either from a disciplinary level (as in creating and facilitating a workshop for continuing teacher education) or from a classroom management perspective (most memorably when I was teaching kindergarten during the day and junior high and high school students in the afternoons and evenings). Because I am comfortable in working with all age groups and because I have a deep understanding of pupils’ educational needs and pedagogy, I believe I am an ideal candidate to offer tutoring services through your organization.
Teaching Approach
Communicative Approach (both Serial and Holistic) Structural Approach (Direct Instruction) Critical Pedagogy
I am available anytime.
Teaching Place(s)
Lessons can occur anywhere.
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 9 years, Updated 9 years ago | Seen Active - 9 years ago
0 reviews available.

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