Mandarin Chinese Language Tutor Hong from Gatineau

Mandarin Chinese Language Tutor Hong from Gatineau, QC
Name Hong M.
City Gatineau, QC
Teaching Mandarin Chinese
Native Language Mandarin Chinese
Lessons Take Place Locally, Online
Hourly Rate C$55

I have over 20 years' of languages' teaching and tutoring experience for languages of Mandarin (for native English and French speaking), and English/French (for native Chinese)

Education / Certificates
1. Master’s Degree of Political Social Sciences (main courses: International Relations, Social Sciences, Economic development vs. environmental protection, Qualitative-quantitative research and Analysis, etc.) 1996-1998, University of Southampton, U.K. (have equivalency certificate from the Quebec Ministry of Education). June 1996, after passed several written tests and interviews, I was selected by the British Council as a Scholar of Chevening Scholarship, left for UK for a 2-years’ Master Degree studies in Social Science. 2. Bachelor’s Degree of Arts: in Western Language and Tourism (main courses: English, French, English Literature, French Literature; etc. 1989-1992, Jiangxi University.
Professional Experience
After my Bachelor’s degree in Languages (English and French), I had working experience in China and Tunisia, public sectors committed to coaching and training adults in learning English and French, interpreting/translating for Jiangxi Provincial Tourism Bureau. After I successfully completed my Master’s degree of Political Social Science in the UK, I worked in two United Nations’ (UN) agencies: 1. UNESCO - Institute for Statistics (UIS), and 2. UNICEF - Information, Knowledge Management and Programme Evaluation Performance (IKM) For example: in these two UN agencies, I have developed rich experiences in teaching Chinese for UN (English and French speaking) staffs, I also engaged in training staff-members who want to learn Chinese. I also provided interpreting expertise at conferences, meeting and workshops, and translating analytic research results into publications. I was responsible in information research and analysis interpretation and translation. These years’ further professional practices in the UN agencies have developed my skills of languages’ tutoring and training, interpretation/translation. Since Nov. 2013, I am hired as a permanent (part-time) teacher and tutor for TLI in charge of online teaching and tutoring tasks of English and French speakers learning Mandarin and Chinese speakers learning English and French. Students include high ranking diplomatic officials from New-Zealand and Australian Foreign Office, Foreign Trade Office, U.S.A. government officials, etc.
Teaching Approach
I have very good and efficient methodologies in teaching Mandarin (to western people), based on different preferences and backgrounds, I plan and design specific teaching materials for my students.
My weekend days and evenings; as well as my week days and evenings
Teaching Place(s)
For last 5 years, I have been teaching diplomats from US, New Zealand and Australia, who are working in China or Taiwan, by using Skype or other facilities.
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 9 years, Updated 8 years ago | Seen Active - 8 years ago
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