Greek Language Tutor Stephania from Montréal

Greek Language Tutor Stephania from Montréal, QC
Name Stephania P.
City Montréal, QC
Teaching Greek
Native Language Greek
Originally From United Kingdom
Working With Kids (4y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Learner's Home or Work, Online
Hourly Rate C$65

I was born in the UK but raised in Greece, where I've lived pretty much my whole life before living in Canada since 2017. I have experience teaching both children and adults and can make learning fun and entertaining! I am a native English and Greek speaker and can speak a little French as well!

Education / Certificates

I hold a Bachelor's degree in Physical Therapy and a Master's degree from McGill in Rehabilitation Sciences.

Professional Experience

I have taught English and Greek in schools to children and older adults.

Teaching Approach

Tailored to the student's needs and goals / expectations.


I am flexible, after we schedule in advance.

Teaching Place(s)

I can visit your home or work place! If a public place works for you, such as a library, that is fine by me! Skype is also an option, but I believe in-person teaching is much better!

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 5 years, Updated 1 year ago | Seen Active - 1 year ago
0 reviews available.

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