French Language Tutor Clara from Montréal

French Language Tutor Clara from Montréal, QC
Name Clara G.
City Montréal, QC
Teaching French
Native Language French
Originally From France
Lessons Take Place Locally, Online
Hourly Rate C$35

Hello ! I'm a final-year biochemistry major in Montreal. Originally from Paris (France), I started tutoring when I arrived in Canada and now have two years of experience behind me! I'd be very happy to help you become fluent in that beautiful language of Molière's.

Education / Certificates

I obtained my French high school diploma with honors by graduating top of my class in Philosophy and French. Today I'm finishing my bachelor's degree in biochemistry and then I'm going to comparative literature.

Professional Experience

I have been part of two tutoring agencies in Montreal and I am now embarking on independent tutoring after gaining experience with children and teenagers from all walks of life and with all kinds of disabilities.

Teaching Approach

I mostly taught French, biology and Spanish (other mother tongue) during my first two years of studies in Montreal to children and high school students. First of all, I try to see with the person their final objective as well as their level of involvement (the more regular the efforts are - and not necessarily long! the better the results): it is especially important, especially when learning a language, to have an objective that is one's own and not external constraints. Then, my lessons take place entirely in the language being taught: I repeat as many times as necessary, but for a duration of one hour, it is essential for the brain to be completely immersed in the new language. And finally, for those who want to go further, I don't hesitate to talk about art, music, cinema in order to propose works that the student can see as he wishes in order to continue his exposure to the language being learned. Looking forward to hearing from you!


tuesday wednesday thursday morning and early afternoon

Teaching Place(s)

Online via Skype or Zoom Due to COVID, in-person appointments will not be possible until September, but I will make sure to make the web-based lessons just as interactive and interesting!

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 4 years, Updated 4 years ago | Seen Active - 4 years ago
0 reviews available.

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