Spanish, French, Galician and German Language Tutor Emilio

Spanish, French, Galician and German Language Tutor Emilio from Curridabat, Costa Rica
Name Emilio H.
City Curridabat, Costa Rica
Teaching Spanish, French, Galician, German
Native Language Spanish
Originally From Costa Rica
Working With Youth, Adults
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate $8

I am a polyglot and native Spanish speaker, who loves languages and grammar. In my free time I study other languages and their origins. I am very patient and openminded and I also love teaching and helping others.

Education / Certificates

I am a student at a trilingual school, where I'm being taught Spanish, German and English.

Professional Experience

I have tutored other people before fro free and I enjoy it a lot.

Teaching Approach

I believe in using all senses to learn. I'll teach grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary by reading, hearing, talking and watching


Everyday after 12 o'clock

Teaching Place(s)

Via Skype or via FaceTime

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 4 years, Updated 4 years ago | Seen Active - 4 years ago
0 reviews available.

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