Russian Language Tutor Alik from Toronto

Russian Language Tutor Alik from Toronto, ON
Name Alik K.
City Toronto, ON
Teaching Russian
Native Language Russian
Lessons Take Place My Home/Office
Hourly Rate C$50

I am a Toronto-based native Russian speaker with over 10-year experience in teaching and tutoring Russian and English. Highly qualified and proficient in both English and Russian. We can set up classes at any time convenient for you. We will make you speak Russian efficiently with minimum efforts using special linguistic methodoligies. Cheap and High Quality Education for Anyone! Learning Russian is Fun! No Boring Rules!

Education / Certificates
Linguistics, Foreign Languages
Professional Experience
over 10 years of experience in teaching Russian
Teaching Approach
Visual learning (Illustrations, Videos, etc.) , Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
anytime, including weekends or public holidays
Teaching Place(s)
I would prefer to have classes at my home specially equipped for teaching
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 7 years, Updated 6 years ago | Seen Active - 6 years ago
0 reviews available.

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