German Language Tutor Susanne from Los Angeles

Name Susanne S.
City Los Angeles, CA, USA
Teaching German
Native Language German
Lessons Take Place Locally
Hourly Rate $35

German native speaker with experience translating and communications, and private German conversation workshops. No direct teaching or tutoring credentials.

Education / Certificates
Bachelor's equivilant in Business Administration / International Business and Marketing German, English, French.
Professional Experience
Marketing, Office Management, Personal Assistant and Consultant.
Teaching Approach
Using German books or magazines, music and videos to build familiarity with the flow of the language, read and review books and articles, listen to German lyrics and videos to improve listening and understanding of the spoken language, and discuss articles and other media to improve understanding of the contents, gather in small groups to practice conversation
Flexible schedule, can adapt to student's schedules
Teaching Place(s)
Redondo Beach, Torrance, Hermosa Beach area preferred, Redondo Beach Main Library or other public place as appropriate.
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 10 years, Updated 10 years ago | Seen Active - 10 years ago
0 reviews available.

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