Urdu and English Language Tutor Hassam from Lahore, Pakistan

Urdu and English Language Tutor Hassam from Lahore, Pakistan
Name Hassam A.
City Lahore, Pakistan
Teaching Urdu, English
Native Language Urdu
Originally From Pakistan
Working With Kids (12y+), Youth, Adults
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Learner's Home, Online
Hourly Rate $12

I'm Hassam Ahsan, I am residing in Lahore. I have an honors degree in Mass communication and Urdu from Forman Christian College. I am an avid reader of books and a cricket enthusiast who loves to play as well. I am also a professional language teacher and have been in the pedagogy field for about 5 years now. My expertise lies specifically in the Urdu language field and I am currently teaching Urdu online to Pakistan and overseas students. It's my dream to achieve more perfection and mastery in the language field which I strive for all the time by reading and understanding different genres of a language and continuously exploring and looking for new words in order to enhance vocabulary and refine my writing and grammar skills in Urdu.

Education / Certificates

Matric with A division FSC with A Division BS honors in Mass Communication with 80% National Aptitude Test -PASS National Teaching Database Test- PASS

Professional Experience
  1. Urdu teacher at Alnoorians College since 2017 to present
  2. Online Urdu Teaching assistant with international tutoring agency Abwaab since 2020 to present Freelance writer and Urdu translator since 2017 to present Professional private online tutor since 2017 to present Urdu sub-editor at Jang news 2011 to 2013
Teaching Approach

I offer basic Urdu as well as advanced Urdu language courses. I have been teaching Urdu for the last 5 years to overseas students who find difficulty in speaking and writing Urdu and I can easily communicate in English while teaching Urdu of any level. I also offer my services as an academic teacher for the O/A levels and IGCSE Urdu. My 7 students have recently got an A star in their O/A level exams. I am very much adept in using online teaching platforms such as Zoom and teams and pretty much confident that you will be more than satisfied after taking a trial class, which I am offering for free. So hurry up and book a session with me. Thank you


11 pm to 4 pm PST Weekdays 

11 pm to 4 pm PST Weekdays 

1 pm to 7 pm and 11 pm to 2 am Saturdays

Teaching Place(s)

Garhi shahu, dharampura, Gulberg, Mall Road, Davis Road, DHA, Askari 1 to 9, Cantt, Shalimar

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 3 years, Updated 3 years ago | Seen Active - 3 years ago
0 reviews available.

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