Turkish Language Tutor Natalie from New Haven

Turkish Language Tutor Natalie from New Haven, CT
Name Natalie S.
City New Haven, CT, USA
Teaching Turkish
Native Language English
Originally From United States
Working With Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place, Online
Hourly Rate $45

I'm a fluent speaker of Turkish with 4 years tutoring experience in both English and Turkish. I lived in Istanbul and Ankara for a total of 5 years. My life in Turkey began as a foreign exchange student in high school and continued when I enrolled full-time in Turkey's most prestigious university. My husband is Turkish and I speak Turkish at home on a daily basis. My accent and fluency is at the level of a native speaker.

Education / Certificates
I attended Turkey's top university, Bogazici University, as a full-time student, where I studied linguistics and psychology. I am also certified as a C-2 level speaker through TÖMER in Istanbul, which is a government-run Turkish program administered by Ankara University. My accent is very good and native speakers often mistake me for Turkish when they hear me speak. I have extensive knowledge of local slang, terms of endearment, and cultural jokes and phrases. I also studied linguistics for 2 years at Smith College and have in-depth knowledge of the Turkish grammatical system, which can be confusing for new learners. Despite the complications of the grammar system, I feel I have a talent for explaining Turkish grammar in an easy-to-understand way--this is the area where I find my native English background is really useful for my student. I can make one-to-one comparisons and translate Turkish tricky phases literally, while also providing their more commonly used English counterparts.
Professional Experience
I have tutored both children and adult students in spoken Turkish for multiple years. I can help you get your speaking up to speed in a fun, relaxing environment.
Teaching Approach
I think conversation and informal speaking sessions are the most natural and enjoyable way to learn. I also have experience teaching through grammar workbooks and using structured syllabi.
I am flexible and can teach at most times of day. Online sessions are best for me!
Teaching Place(s)
I can meet anywhere in the New Haven area, and am also happy to do online lessons via Skype.
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 6 years, Updated 6 years ago
0 reviews available.

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