Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Language Tutor Ki Nok

Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Language Tutor Ki Nok from Calgary, AB
Name Ki Nok C. Recommended
City Calgary, AB
Teaching Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese
Native Language Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese
Originally From Hong Kong
Working With Kids (5y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate C$35

Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese native speaker with two bachelor's degrees, one of them is teaching Chinese to other language speakers. Obtained Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Language (CTCSOL). More than three years teaching experience. Currently studying Education at University of Calgary. Participated in many simulation teaching and real teaching during university. Both traditional characters (繁體) and simplified characters (简体) can be used.

Education / Certificates

a) Bachelor of Arts in Applied Linguistics Major in Teaching Chinese to Other Language Speakers Jinan University, GuangDong, China, Awarded 2020

Core Courses • Pedagogy of Teaching Chinese for Foreign Students • Theories of Second Language Acquisition • Pedagogical Grammar of Teaching Chinese

Key Concepts • Teaching skills • Organization skills • Communication skills

b) Bachelor of Economics. Major in Finance. Jinan University, GuangDong, China, Awarded 2020

c) Currently studying Education at University of Calgary

Professional Experience

For my volunteer experience in Chinese school and tutoring experience, I applied the theoretical knowledge to practice. Whether it is watching other teachers teaching methods or teaching students by myself, my teaching skills are constantly improving by keep practicing and learning. Know how to interact with students and make them understand the knowledge.

Teaching Approach

I like to combine practice with teaching, after teaching the knowledge, use some exercises to check if students understand, and interact with students. I plan to use PowerPoint in class for more visible and clearer, according to the needs of students to make teaching methods and content.

Teaching method: (Example of teaching text) 1. Follow the order of "new words - grammar - text - expanding exercises" step by step. 2. Start with reviewing the grammar points of the old lesson and lead to the content of the new lesson. 3. Using directly visual and multimedia. 4. Design interactive activities. 5. The combination of speaking and practicing, more training, listening, and speaking, also strengthen the training of Chinese character reading and writing.

  • Tuesday after 6:30pm
  • Friday 5pm to 8pm
  • Saturday 10am to 6pm
  • Sunday 10am to 6pm
Teaching Place(s)

Online (e.g. Zoom, MS teams, Voov, etc.)

My Location
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Listed 4 years, Updated 3 months ago | Seen Active - 5 days ago
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