English and Spanish Language Tutor Cayden from Greater Sudbury

English and Spanish Language Tutor Cayden from Greater Sudbury, ON
Name Cayden M.
City Greater Sudbury, ON
Teaching English, Spanish
Native Language English
Originally From Canada
Working With Kids (8y+), Youth, Adults
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place, Online
Hourly Rate C$21

Hey there, I'm a native English speaker from Canada. I'm 24 years old, I speak Spanish at a high level, understand and speak a little bit of French and Portuguese as well. My goal is to help people, especially hispanohablantes, learn English.

Education / Certificates

I graduated from highschool with all A's in English. I am currently studying in college and passed English with a 90. I have read countless books and articles that have given me the highest level of English physically attainable without going to university for teaching or something else similar.

Professional Experience

I have experience in teaching just by teaching and learning from my friends. Due to learning other languages, I have good teaching methods and know of various ways to quickly and effectively learn a language. I have a more realistic and life oriented approach to teaching and learning languages.

Teaching Approach

I like to teach people what they genuinely need to know about the language. Typically I start with the basics and soon after move on to components of the language that people tend to get stuck on or have difficulty with. By learning the harder parts of a language or outliers, you gain an understanding of how the language physically works.


I'm available weekends and every afternoon.

Teaching Place(s)

Online, Skype, Instagram, Facebook, whatever place is best for calls ( I prefer discord because it's more interactive ).

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 10 months, Updated 10 months ago | Seen Active - 10 months ago
0 reviews available.

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