Arabic, German and Hebrew Language Tutor Samir L. from Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Arabic, German and Hebrew Language Tutor Samir L. from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Name Samir L. I.
City Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Teaching Arabic, German, Hebrew
Native Language Arabic
Originally From Israel
Working With Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place, Online
Hourly Rate €35

34 years experienced University lecturer / tutor / teacher of Modern Standard Arabic & Arabic for Business + Dialects Arabic & Hebrew & German and Intercultural Management training & coaching Middle East + Arab World+ translator & interpreter with Executive MBA in International Management Consulting from University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigshafen, Germany + University of H & L Hull, UK.. سمير لطفي ايراني فرانكفورت المانيا Iranee - Your Guide to Arabia. Learn Arabic! Understand the Arabs! Samir L. Iranee, Dipl.-Betriebswirt / MBA Frankfurt am Main Herzlich willkommen! ... bei Iranee Sprachtraining & Interkulturelles Coaching Arabien & Islam

Education / Certificates

Arabic native (BA Business Administration – MBA in IMC International Management Consulting from University of Hull / HfW Ludwigshafen). Since 1994 experienced lecturer at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences offers in Frankfurt and Germanywide as well as in the MENA Middle East and North Africa / Golfregion & UAE (Abu Dhabi & Dubai) Arabic language courses (colloquial, media, business and Khaliji arabic / Egyptian and other Arabic) for all levels. Further we provide courses in Frankfurt am Main Germany on Arab culture, politics and doing business in the Middle East / Arab countries as well as Intercultural training for the Arab World and the Islamic Region.

Professional Experience

Experienced lecturer / tutor / teacher of Arabic & Hebrew & German and intercultural training & coaching arab world+ translator with MBA in International Management Consulting Description - Experienced tutor of Arabic and Hebrew + Intercultural Comptence for non-native speakers - Native speaker & Teacher of MSA Arabic / Dialects of Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Libanon & Syria - Diploma / BA in Business Administration and MBA in IMC degrees from German universities - 34-year experience in the teaching of Arabic and Intercultural Competence at various German universities in the Frankfurt & Rhein-Main-Area - Based in Frankfurt City What do I offer? - I offer one to one and group lessons in Arabic language. - I offer one to one and group lessons in German for non-native (arabs & muslims) speakers. - I offer lessons to university students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels - I provide Arabic / German / Arabic translation and interpreting in various areas (Media, marketing, business, etc). Aktuelle Kundenstimmen ----01.02.2019 Marion G.-T. from Frankfurt am Main via Superprof Germany I have been learning Arabic with Samir for 1.5 years now. He is a very committed and lively teacher and I recommend his lessons. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31.01.2019 George R. from Northhampton GB via Superprof UK Samir is a great tutor! If it’s Arabic you want to learn, you should definitely contact him! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Teresa B. 27.11.2018 Ich habe bei Herrn Iranee im Gruppen-Arabischunterricht teil genommen. Dort habe ich nicht nur Grundkenntisse der Sprache erworben, sondern habe auch vieles über die arabische Kultur und die arabische Seele erfahren. Herr Iranee ist ein ausgesprochen geduldiger Lehrer und ich bin immer gerne zu den Kursen gekommen. Der Unterricht war gut strukturiert und Fragen wurden immer gut aufgenommen und geklärt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maria K. 22.11.2018 In der Vorbereitung auf ein Hochschulstudium westasiatischer Geschichte und Arabisch habe ich ein Jahr lang in Frankfurt und nach einem Umzug dann weiter online über Skype im Einzelunterricht Arabischstunden genommen. Der Kurs wurde explizit meinem Wissensstand und persönlichen Interessen angepasst, was in der Gesamtheit schnelle und umfassende Fortschritte ermöglicht hat. Durch berufliche Verpflichtungen konnte ich oft nur kurzfristig planen, worauf der Kursleiter soweit es ihm möglich war, immer reagiert und Termine angepasst hat. Besonders hervorheben möchte ich auch die Vermittlung politischer, kultureller und soziologischer Kenntnisse über Westasien und Nordafrika im Unterricht, den ich dadurch zusätzlich zum reinen Erlernen der Sprache als sehr kurzweilig und bereichernd empfunden habe. Ich kann jedem, der an der arabischen oder hebräischen Sprache und interkulturellem Wissen zur arabischen Welt interessiert, sehr empfehlen, Herrn Samir Iranee als Dozent zu wählen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Philipp von Zitzewitz, 20.11.2018 Deputy General Manager Sesam Business Consultants, Dubai UAE Samir helped to brush up my rusty Arabic over a period of 6 months in Frankfurt in one-on-one sessions. I appreciated his special efforts and benefitted from his insights into a culture and language that is not easily accessible for westerners. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Patricia Benstein, 19.11.2018 Research Fellow and University Lecturer, Riverton Western Australia, Australia English Lecturer at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main Samir is an excellent Arabic teacher. He has helped me enormously by being patient, knowledgeable and highly experienced. I can recommend him as a wonderful teacher of Arabic. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Teaching Approach

-Teaching Approach: I focus on communication and use authentic material (internet, TV like Aljazeera, newspaper like Alquds Aarabi or Alarabi Aljadid, magazines, books, songs and kids stories) to help students not just learn how to write and read Arabic, but also to communicate with native Arabic speakers, in a natural practical context. - I teach (both kids and adults) Standard Arabic and colloquial Arabic, particularly: Palestinian / Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian & Lebanese. - Material: I provide up-to-date, fun and creative material and tasks.


Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 22.00 Saturday and Sunday from 11.00 to 16.00 Frankfurt time

Teaching Place(s)

At my home office in Frankfurt am Main. At clients home in Frankfurt & Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Clients office or work Public places like J W Goehte University, HBF central train station and the Frankfurt international airport or Business Centers.

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 5 years, Updated 5 years ago | Seen Active - 3 years ago
0 reviews available.

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