English Language Tutor Brahim

English Language Tutor Brahim from Nabeul, Tunisia
Name Brahim B.
City Nabeul, Tunisia
Teaching English
Native Language Arabic
Originally From Tunisia
Working With Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate
Lessons Take Place Online
Timezone Africa/Tunis (EST+5)
Hourly Rate $7

Hello students My name is Brahim, I'm 26 years old and I'm from Tunisia specifically in north Africa. I'm a professional business training and development.

Education / Certificates

American chamber of business and management I'm TESOL certified

Professional Experience

I've been teaching English online since 2018 I have taught all levels of English over two years. I have taught all levels of English over two years, from beginner to advanced

Teaching Approach

We will study so many famous idioms and expressions, I made a course that will make your speech sound more native and when you talk to others, they will feel that your English level is outstanding. for kids : I"m going to teach them with the Spaced repetition which is a learning technique in which increasing intervals of time are used between subsequent reviews, trust me this technique with take your child from zero to hero in a very short time.


every day except sunday

Teaching Place(s)

we will study on skype

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 4 years, Updated 4 years ago
0 reviews available.

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