Spanish Language Tutor Alfred from Kamloops

Spanish Language Tutor Alfred from Kamloops, BC
Name Alfred O.
City Kamloops, BC
Teaching Spanish
Native Language Spanish
Originally From Argentina
Working With Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Lessons Take Place My Home/Office, Learner's Home, Public Place, Online
Hourly Rate C$22

Agentine born, native spanish -Castellano- speaker. Graphic Design and Advertising degree from Panamerican School of Art & Design.

Education / Certificates

Bachiller -specialized in Literature

Professional Experience

Director of Multimedia- Creator of Film, video, animation, and digital design for print and world wide web. Business owner involved in community development.

Teaching Approach

One on one conversation with reference to daily communication as well as technical and business terminology usage. Written material and video used to support instruction. Option of Virtual Meetings for those outside my area or by request. My goal is to bridge cultures through language, arts, history and discussion of ideas.


Flexible hours, except Monday, Tuesdays & Wednesdays, mornings between 9 and 11:30 am. Any weekday after 5:30 pm until 9:00 pm. Weekend days by request.

Teaching Place(s)

At my home in Kamloops or any convenient place for all parties.

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 7 years, Updated 3 years ago | Seen Active - 5 months ago
0 reviews available.

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