English and Persian Language Tutor Reza

Name Reza T.
City Esenyurt, Turkey
Teaching English, Persian
Native Language Persian
Originally From Iran
Working With Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate $35

I've worked in education since 2002 in a wide variety of contexts with various universities and English schools. My course includes materials development, writing, speaking, listening, teacher training, educational reform and developing bespoke professional learning programs. I'm a Teacher and IELTS trainer & assessor with in-depth experience of training teachers in challenging context worldwide.

Education / Certificates

I've passed many TTC courses and I was a English Teacher Trainer for about 10 years.

Professional Experience

Since I was a student I've started teaching English in well known schools and institutes in Tehran and others cities.

I am confident that my qualifications, skills and experience provide me with the capabilities to fulfill the position and add significant value to the school.

Teaching Approach

It depends on course and learners, but I usually try to choose some methods that are more powerful and it can be useful for learners.


I'm available on weekdays at 10 am - 9 pm.

Teaching Place(s)

Online on Skype at my home.

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 4 years, Updated 4 years ago | Seen Active - 4 years ago
0 reviews available.

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