Mandarin Chinese Language Tutor Simeng from Seattle

Name Simeng Z.
City Seattle, WA, USA
Teaching Mandarin Chinese
Native Language Mandarin Chinese
Lessons Take Place Locally
Hourly Rate $30

i am a mandarin Chinese speaker who major in Hospitality business management. i just graduated and have some mandarin tutoring experience for college class while in school.

Education / Certificates
I don not have a related education. My major is hospitality management and i am a native speaker of Mandarin
Professional Experience
I used to tutor some friends in college who enrolled the Chinese class.
Teaching Approach
If they have text book i can follow the text book content and add some videos or essays which related to the content to help student to remember.
everyday before 3pm
Teaching Place(s)
At my home
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 10 years, Updated 10 years ago | Seen Active - 10 years ago
0 reviews available.

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