Mandarin Chinese Language Tutor Hsing Sheng from Seattle

Mandarin Chinese Language Tutor Hsing Sheng from Seattle, WA
Name Hsing Sheng Y.
City Seattle, WA, USA
Teaching Mandarin Chinese
Native Language Mandarin Chinese
Lessons Take Place Locally
Hourly Rate $20

I am mandarin Chinese speaker from Taiwan. I can read simplify Chinese as well. I also just graduated from an University.

Education / Certificates
Marketing and Finance
Professional Experience
I am currently in working in a financial firm, which offering people financial education and helping middle class income family or upper class with financial solution.
Teaching Approach
I believe learning is important, but the student have to practice speaking in order to improve. I also believe that environment can help student learn it a lot more faster. I am currently in a language exchange program and help some Chinese speaker with their english.
I will be free on Monday to Friday after 6, except Wednesday. I am also free during Saturday after 5 and all day free on Sunday.
Teaching Place(s)
If I can teach the class in my place or somewhere around Bellevue downtown will be very helpful.
Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 10 years, Updated 10 years ago | Seen Active - 10 years ago
0 reviews available.

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