Name |
Hsing Sheng Y. |
City |
Seattle, WA, USA |
Teaching |
Mandarin Chinese |
Native Language |
Mandarin Chinese |
Lessons Take Place |
Hourly Rate |
$20 |
I am mandarin Chinese speaker from Taiwan. I can read simplify Chinese as well. I also just graduated from an University.
Education / Certificates
Marketing and Finance
Professional Experience
I am currently in working in a financial firm, which offering people financial education and helping middle class income family or upper class with financial solution.
Teaching Approach
I believe learning is important, but the student have to practice speaking in order to improve. I also believe that environment can help student learn it a lot more faster. I am currently in a language exchange program and help some Chinese speaker with their english.
I will be free on Monday to Friday after 6, except Wednesday. I am also free during Saturday after 5 and all day free on Sunday.
Teaching Place(s)
If I can teach the class in my place or somewhere around Bellevue downtown will be very helpful.
Profile Details
Listed 10 years, Updated 10 years ago | Seen Active - 10 years ago
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