German, Spanish and Galician Language Tutor Gerardo from Vancouver

German, Spanish and Galician Language Tutor Gerardo from Vancouver, BC
Name Gerardo B.
City Vancouver, BC
Teaching German, Spanish, Galician
Native Language German, Spanish
Originally From Spain
Working With Kids (3y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place, Online
Hourly Rate C$75

Gerardo is an international Dialect Coach & Language Teacher & Consultant / Trainer / Tutor also for Public Speakers and Keynote (See press credits). He also worked as dialact coach for German and Spanish for Rosetta Stone commercials.  He was the personal Dialect Coach German and Spanish Language and interpreter the world most succesful soccer Coach of the Real Madrid / Bayern Munich Coach CARLO ANCELOTTI.  As Union actor and voice over he is active in Film and Theater and training actors worldwide.   His customers are international Executives in Global Business, DEFENSE, Politicians, Artist in Film, Sport VIP's, VIP Kids. This includes also CEO´s, Heads in Aviation industry: Airbus-CASA, Boeing, Lockheed, British Aerospace Systems, Rolls-Royce, Air Canada, Lufthansa, Iberia. Mining international. Ship constructors like Lürssen Yacht, MEYER WERFT, Navantia. Steel: Saarstahl, ACERINOX. Construction: Hoch und Tief, ACS. Automobile & Transportation: Mercedes Benz, VW, Deutsche Bahn, Nordwest-Bahn, Weser- Ems-Buse, Bremer Strassenbahn AG. Banks: Postbank, Citibank. Food and Drinks industry: Becks Beer, Kraft Foods, Mars Europe. Film Directors and Actors, Governments, Political Parties, Universities, First Nation and so on. Experience social etiquette Coach and Trainer. Furthermore, he was simultaneous interpreter for Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, Prince of Asturias Price winner Paco Montalbán, writer Ernesto Cardenal, German Chancellor Willi Brandt, the poet and writer Erich Fried, several Kings and Queens in Europe, Premierministers, Chancellors (Germany), Presidents, CEO´s, Judges, Dialect for Actors, Professors, Directors, PhD candidates etc. He is a great PUBLIC & KEY NOTE SPEAKER and Actor (ACTRA - Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists and UBCP - Union of British Columbia Performers also International Federation of Actors). Awesome Economist MA & Political Scientist MA, History (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany), accredited Defense expert (aviation, naval and army).  He is a master in Key Note Speaking and holding conferences. He is a self-directed, enthusiastic educator with highly developed experience to communicate effectively in English, and his native languages Spanish and German & Galician, verbally and in writing with students, staff, faculty, government, international universities, external agencies, press and the general public, with a passionate commitment to student development and the learning experience. Skilled in the design of challenging, enriching and innovative activities that address the diverse interests and needs of students. Capable of outstanding communication skills to present information in a variety of ways, emphasizing the relevance of class material to the world beyond the classroom. Active team member who effectively collaborates and cooperates with all levels of staff members and establishes quality relationships with students.

Education / Certificates

Personal Dialect Coach for artist in Film, Theater, VIPS in Sports, Press, Politics, Business, Public Speaking, Public Speeches, Presentations, Conferences, Small Talk. Education Academy of the Federal State of Saxony, Germany. 

German Dialect coach of Carlo Ancelotti, Real Madrid & Bayern München.

Standart American with Dialect Coach Tony Alcantar, Canada.

Japanese with Actor Hiroyuki Sanada and Disney in 19 Emmy Winner SHOGUN. 

Voice Over Acting, at Sonja Bakker, Vancouver & International Federation of Actors.

Teacher for German, German School North Shore, North Vancouver/ Vancouver. 

German Teacher, The Vancouver West Side German School (VWGS), 2/2012, German Ministry of Education and Science (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft), Berlin,

Ministry for Children and Education (Senator für Kinder und Bildung, Hansestadt Bremen), 

Volkshochschule Oldenburg, Germany, Education Docent (Grades 1 to 12) and Special Events, 

Vancouver Maritime Museum interpreter Spanish & German.

Docent, Business Spanish/German & IT, Tutor, Business Coach. Entrepreneur - Community Colleges - European School - University Bremen, diverse companies and institutions and diverse Adult and Cultures Studies.

Paracelsus School for Natural Medicine and Products, NGO´s, - Law courts and private assignments (e.g. coaching for about 20 Master theses). 

Developed courses and schedules, determined learning approaches, designed learning activities, assessed and evaluated student achievement.

International Academic and Education Studies Adviser International Educational Association of Evaluation and Achievement (IEA) and Data Processing-Research Centre. Worked with national and international Professors, Universities, Ministries/State Secretary of Education on implementation of plans. Co-developed education test studies/exams, evaluated and analyzed plan effectiveness and support communications for related projects. 

LANGUAGES: English, German & Spanish & Galician (native speaker), Italian (intermediate), Portuguese (intermediate), French (a little), Dutch (intermediate)

Political Scientist and Management, University of Bremen, Germany & Santiago de Compostela, London School of Political Science and Economics.  

Professional Experience

Managed classroom coverage from pre-school Kindergarden, 1grade to 12th grade (Germany 13th), university students and adults; assumed all responsibilities of a regular classroom teacher, including professional development communications with parents of students, and staff meetings. 

Collaborated with teachers to design curriculum and lesson plans, perform administrative duties such as recording attendance and organizing student portfolios, provide individual assistance to students, as needed. Enthusiasm in motivating and supporting students and contributing creativity, a sense of humor and attention to detail. Experience in: 

- Classroom Management - Differentiated Instruction - Cooperative Learning - Student Motivation - Interactive Learning - Student-Centered Learning - Multicultural Awareness - Student Assessment - Curriculum Design and Development - Whole Group Learning and Individual Support - Outdoor Education - Teaching in a Multilanguage environment - Students with learning disabilities - Classes up to 37 students

Teaching Approach

The enclosed resume effectively showcases my instructional expertise, demonstrates my relevant accomplishes, and communicates my desire to provide all students with a solid education. 

Throughout my teaching career and more, I have had the wonderful opportunity to instruct a diverse group of high school students, including those who performed below-, on-, and above grade level. 

Also, I have participated in numerous professional courses, allowing me to enhance my teaching techniques and implement engaging activities, which facilitate all styles of learners.


On set, office, private residency, Via Skype, Zoom etc. 

See time schedue

Teaching Place(s)

Whatever works. Film or Theater set, film shooting or where you want worldwide. 

I also like to teach at the customer's place, library etc. 

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 11 years, Updated 5 months ago | Seen Active - 5 months ago
0 reviews available.

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