Math Tutor Jude

Math Tutor Jude from Calgary, AB
Name Jude E.
City Calgary, AB
Teaching Math
Speaking English
Working With Youth
Levels I Teach Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate C$35

English native speaker with a Mechanical Engineering background and excellent numeracy / Math skills with over five years of tutoring experience now and then

Education / Certificates

I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate with a Masters in Oil and Gas Engineering from the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom

Professional Experience

I have taught youth Math - largely from Grades ten (10) to twelve (12), topics that range from Algebra to Trigonometry to Calculus to Statistics and Probability for the past five years

Teaching Approach

I usually teach by fielding questions from my students with regards to school assignments. This also affords me the opportunity to go through the subject matter from the fundamental concepts and hence empowering the student to take on exercises on their own thereafter. I would either be using this approach or teaching the topic from scratch if that suits this potential context


Mondays to Fridays : 5PM - 8 PM

Teaching Place(s)

Online via Skype or / and the Shawnessy Library

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 1 year, Updated 1 year ago | Seen Active - 1 year ago
0 reviews available.

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