English Language Tutor Elma

English Language Tutor Elma from Novi Pazar, Serbia
Name Elma M.
City Novi Pazar, Serbia
Additional Locations Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar
Teaching English
Native Language Serbo-Croatian
Originally From Serbia
Working With Kids (4y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate $22

State certified English teacher with Master`s degree in applied English linguistics and English literature, as well as certified TESOL teacher, WITH 15+ years of experience educating students in public elementary school and private university.

Education / Certificates

State certified English teacher with Master`s degree in applied English linguistics and English literature, as well as certified TESOL teacher, WITH 15+ years of experience educating students in public elementary school and private university.

Professional Experience

2005.09 -2012.02 ESL teacher Novi Pazar, Elementary school `Halifa bin Zain Al Nahjal`

Taught ESL to 100s of students of diverse cultural backgrounds and settings (rural, urban), aged: 7-15 years old. Designed a set of audio-visual didactic recourses to help students develop their language skills. Prepared plans and curriculums, also extra -curricular activities and after-school assistance for individual students. Planned and conducted English language lessons for elementary grades 1 to 8 with classes average between 20 – 25 students.

2009.02- Present 1. ESL university assistant teacher Novi Pazar, International university of Novi Pazar Enjoy teaching college-aged students Lecture planning, preparation, and research Checking and assessing students work invigilating examinations reading academic journals writing researches papers and publications attending and speaking at conferences and seminars 2. Marketing and student activities manager Novi Pazar, International university of Novi Pazar

editor – in – chief of four student`s TV, educative shows drama director of university plays Organizing volunteer and humanitarian actions with students for children and people with special needs, helping assailant`s in Belgrade, Sjenica and Tutin Leader of student’s literature section Organizing conferences, journeys and free activities for students

2019.10- Present Online ESL teacher (Zoom, Skype, Google Meet up) Worldwide

Helping pupils improve their listening, reading, speaking and writing via individual and group sessions Prepare presentations and animated videos for students (YouTube) Web site for learning English language (EUCIONICA)

Teaching Approach

Lecture—Showing/Telling Direct instruction is a widely used and effective instructional strategy that is strongly supported by research. In direct instruction, the teacher

models an interaction with the subject, demonstrates an approach to an issue, or shows example solutions to problems, provides opportunities for guided practice, often assigning small group work in class with an emphasis on constructive feedback, and assigns independent practice with an emphasis on mastery learning. Lecture can help students organize extensive readings, but it should not be used to simply duplicate those readings. Because learning results from what students do, lectures should be crafted so that students are intentionally active as much as is reasonable. Direct instruction can be easily combined with other teaching methods and can be transferred to online teaching by using videos for the modeling stage and discussion groups for the guided practice stage.

Worked Examples Worked examples are step-by-step demonstrations of how to complete a problem or perform a task. Concepts are first introduced in their simplest form, then the teacher gradually progresses from simple to complex procedures. Worked examples are a way to impart information. Therefore, the process is considered a form of lecturing. Worked examples are particularly useful in STEM fields, and are most effective when learners are not already familiar with the processes being presented. Students must actually work their way through the examples, rather than skip over them to homework problems, in order to see real benefit.

This sample video from Khan Academy gives a sense of how worked examples play out in practice.

Interactive Lecture Many instructors build their lectures around questions that students, individually or in small groups, can answer using colored flashcards or polling technologies like clickers or BYOD apps. The advantage to using polling technologies is their scalability, ease of providing collective feedback on student performance, and integration with the online gradebook for uploading participation or quiz points. Other interactive techniques involve short writing exercises, quick pairings or small group discussions, individual or collaborative problem solving, or drawing for understanding.


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Listed 4 years, Updated 4 years ago
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