German Language Tutor Dragan

German Language Tutor Dragan from Brčko, Bosnia And Herzegovina
Name Dragan T.
City Brčko, Bosnia And Herzegovina
Teaching German
Native Language Serbo-Croatian
Originally From Bosnia And Herzegovina
Working With Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Intermediate
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate $25

I have master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics obtained in Barcelona, at best university in whole Spain, namely University of Pompeu Fabra and this year I will start PhD in Second Language Acquisition. 

Education / Certificates

Master in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics with focus on Second Language Lcquisition at University of Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

Professional Experience

I worked as German language teacher at largest language school in Barcelona and as assistant of professor in Bali.

Teaching Approach

my efforts lay in making clear how certain language functions and making student understand necessity to focus on immersion and surround yourself with culture of language that is in focus. I use book so it is clear how things happen grammatically but emphasize explanation why it is like that as understanding makes it easy for our brain to remember and to place grammar and words in logical manner. Listening and having someone to provide explanation and guide through way of learning foreign language is what teaching is for me.


any time from 10:00 to 18:00

Teaching Place(s)

online via skype

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 4 years, Updated 3 years ago | Seen Active - 3 years ago
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