French Language Tutor Jean-Philippe

French Language Tutor Jean-Philippe from Dijon, France
Name Jean-Philippe P.
City Dijon, France
Teaching French
Native Language French
Originally From France
Working With Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate €40

Born and raised in Dijon, France, I started teaching French at Wake Forest University, NC, USA. I then moved back to France to complete two master's degrees in French and English as Second Languages. Thanks to those, I taught French and English in many public and private schools. In 2018, I moved to Canada and worked in different schools across the country: Toronto, Vancouver, and Ottawa. Today, I'm back in Dijon where I teach 100% of my classes online with students all over the world.

Education / Certificates

Masters in French as a Second Language
Masters in English as a Second Language

Professional Experience

2020-today / online FSL teacher / Dijon, FR
2018-2020 / FSL teacher - Alliance Française, Toronto, ON / Collège Educacentre, Vancouver, BC / Graybridge Malkam, Ottawa, ON
2013-2018 / ESL and FSL teacher / Education Nationale, Dijon, FR
2012-2013 / French Teaching Assistant / Wake Forest University, NC, USA

Teaching Approach

No one is the same: every student has a different personality and various goals. Tell me what you need to practice and how you enjoy learning!


I'm back in France, so there's a 6-hour time difference with the American and Canadian East Cost. Because of that, if you're in North America, I can only teach from 4 to 8a (if you're an early riser!).

Teaching Place(s)

Online ONLY (Zoom, Skype, Teams)

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 6 years, Updated 3 years ago | Seen Active - 3 years ago
0 reviews available.

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