Punjabi, English and Hindi Language Tutor Bikram from Victoria

Punjabi, English and Hindi Language Tutor Bikram from Victoria, BC
Name Bikram S.
City Victoria, BC
Teaching Punjabi, English, Hindi
Native Language Punjabi
Lessons Take Place Locally, Online
Hourly Rate C$35

Hi, my name is Bikram and I have graduated with a computer science degree. I am proficient in Punjabi, English, and Hindi. I can help you learn any of these languages whether it is speaking or writing. I am very easy going and friendly; you can feel comfortable and ask me as many questions as you like. 

Education / Certificates

I graduated with a Computer Science degree with business minor. I have also done a diploma in Electronics & Computer Engineering Technology. In my high school, I had Punjabi, Hindi, and English as my language subjects. 

Professional Experience

I am not a professional teacher at any school, but I have helped my friends in learning languages. I have worked with students at university in my courses. If you choose to learn from me, it will be a fun experience for sure. 

Teaching Approach

I like answering questions and I feel Q/A is a great way to learn. My approach will be to teach you some common words and sentences to begin with. You will get chance to ask questions. After basics, we can move on to more complex stuff. My approach will also depend on your level of understanding of language. 


I am very flexible. We can discuss about it if you decide to learn from me. 

Teaching Place(s)

We can decide it based on your preferences. 

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 9 years, Updated 1 year ago | Seen Active - 7 months ago
0 reviews available.

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