English and Spanish Language Tutor Farlin from Toronto

English and Spanish Language Tutor Farlin from Toronto, ON
Name Farlin P.
City Toronto, ON
Teaching English, Spanish
Native Language Spanish
Originally From Dominican Republic
Working With Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Lessons Take Place Learner's Home or Work, Public Place, Online
Hourly Rate C$25

Spanish native speaker with a master's degree in Second Language Teaching and more than ten years of teaching in English and Spanish.

Education / Certificates

M.S., Second Language Teaching Utah State University, Logan, UT, United States

B.S., Education, Modern Languages Catholic Northeastern University, SFM, Dominican Republic

Professional Experience

Throughout my teaching career, I have had the opportunity to teach English in a Spanish-speaking environment and I have also taught Spanish in an English-speaking environment in the United States, opportunities that have helped me see how my approaches and style work in different settings. I also have three years of experience teaching remotely to kids, teens and adults.

Teaching Approach

I am an advocate of the Communicative Language Teaching approach, as I feel that students learn better if they enjoy working with the target language in a way that they can relate. I also take into consideration the students’ culture and first language to be able to adapt to their needs.


I am flexible and can easily adapt to student's schedule

Teaching Place(s)

I can work online via Teams, Google Meet or Skype and at client's home within 10km from my place

Location on the Map
Profile Details
Listed 2 years, Updated 2 years ago
0 reviews available.

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