We have found 10 local tutors offering private Turkish lessons in Toronto Area and/or online.
I have a passion for teaching the Turkish language – my native language - which I think to be one of the coolest and beautiful languages in the world. I am willing to share my academic knowledge and my cultural heritage with all my students. I have 7 years of experience in teaching Turkish as foreign language.
Turkish and Arabic native speaker.I finished my univercity in Saudi Arabia.i take my education in Turkey. I tought both languages for 20 years.
Turkısh natıve speaker wıth a unıversıty degree and 20 years tutorıng experience
I am a Turkish native speaker and will love to work with you to get you started on your journey of speaking Turkish.
University graduate (METU), Living in Canada for years. Travelled to several countries in the world.
Turkish native speaker with a University degree and 10 years teaching experience
I am teaching Turkish language at the TDSB for 10 years.
Turksih instructor at TDSB for 9 years.
Arabic native speaker and 7 year Turkish language experince- going through tiny details when tutoring a language by comparing it with English and providing effective examples.
I am a native Turkish speaker I have lived in USA for the last 11 years and I will be staying in Toronto for a while.