We have found 48 local tutors offering private Spanish lessons in Vancouver Area and/or online. This is page 3 of the results.
Spanish native speaker with university degree in Arts in the faculty of Education and Humanities. 10 years of experience in elementary school and high school teaching Spanish and Arts.
Spanish tongue native, Speak French and English Fluently.
Spanish native speaker. Bachelor in Business Administration, major in Business Management. 1 year of experience in Spanish language tutorial.
Spanish Native speaker with 4 years of experience teaching spanish in Canada and in Mexico.
Spanish native with an excellent acumen in International Business, Corporate and Trade Finance. Degree of Commercial Engineering, complemented with studies on International Markets from Queen's and Concordia.
Spanish native speaker with 5 years in university. Bachelor in Economic Science.
Native Spanish speaker from Mexico with 13 years of experience in sales, business manager, finance, insurance, hospitality and 1 year of experience as an elementary school assistant principal and substitute teacher. With studies in project planning engineering, economics, business administration and associate of arts.
Spanish native speaker with vast experience translating and interpreting.