We have found 403 Spanish language tutors who offer online Spanish lessons and conversation practice via Skype, Zoom, etc. This is page 17 of the results.
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Spanish native speaker with 7 years of experience in tutoring
A QTS Spanish language teacher with five years’ experience delivering impressive results in beginners’ and intermediate Spanish to students aged 10 to 14 in an international school. With a background as a lecturer in basic and advanced Spanish language at the University of Surrey, and with seven years’ experience teaching Latin, English and Spanish to students in Spain aged 9 to 14 years old, has cultivated an interactive and structured teaching style, including formative assessment techniques, that has worked well with gifted, low ability and EAL students. Experienced introducing language tuition into primary classes, is looking for a new challenge in a school committed ...
Spanish native speaker with a university degree and 6 years of tutoring experience
I am a Spanish native speaker finishing my course of studies on English Teaching.
Spanish native Speaker. 8 years experience teaching Spanish Language to people from abroad Spain.
Hello, My name is Joan, I’m Spanish native speaker with a Bachelor’s Degree and 1 year of tutoring experience. Me llamo Joan, tengo 37 años, soy español nativo, tengo un grado superior y tengo una experiencia de 1 año dando clases. He dado clases tanto a adultos como a personas jóvenes.
I am Peruvian and native Spanish speaker with a university degree and 6 years of tutoring experience teaching Spanish and English.
I´m a native teacher who studied at the National Technological University with more than 15 years experience in the public, private and corporate sectors. I love my job and I make it really entertaining so that students enjoy learning a new language!
38 y.o. Spanish man. I've taught Spanish and English for over 8 years in Spain, Japan and South Korea.
Spanish native speaker with a law degree, Master´s Degree and more than 3 years of experience teaching languages to high executives of multinational companies.
Spanish native speaker with a BA in Political Sciences and Latin American Studies. M1 on Urbanism and Public Policy in France. I also speak french and portuguese. Speaking many languages helps me understand quicker the needs of the student.
Spanish native speaker, currently doing an International Business degree at university, with little tutouring experience.
Spanish native speaker with two Bachelor's degree (Spanish at University of Barcelona, Spain and English Translator at Universidad del Salvador, Argentina) and several years of tutoring and teaching experience. I am moving to Vancouver with a work permit (My husband has been accepted in a PhD at UBC) next summer.
Spanish/English Bilingual, with a Teaching Degree in Secondary Education (Languages emphasis, including ESL).
Spanish native speaker with a sociology degree from San Diego State University, and 3 years of tutoring experience.
Native Spanish speaker from Colombia with a bachelor degree on ESL and French. Also with a specialization in ESL and experience on teaching children, youth and adults.
I'm journalist. I have perfect Spanish and good strategy to teach my language.
Spanish teacher with University degree with more than 15 years teaching Spanish as second language.
Spanish native speaker with a BA, ESL and Bilingual approval from a USA University. 12+ teaching experience
I am a Spanish native speaker. I have a high level of accuracy in the language, both spoken and written, as translated from English. Throughout my life I have tried not to take any regional accent, so I my Spanish is not identified as from Spain, Cuba, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, etc. My accent is neutral. I also know a lot of slang and expressions of other cultures and languages, brought into Spanish, and the anglicisms in North America, its weight and its correction. I know widely the professional vocabulary from Spanish in the following areas: economics, ...