We have found 403 Spanish language tutors who offer online Spanish lessons and conversation practice via Skype, Zoom, etc. This is page 16 of the results.
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Spanish native with experience in comunication with a lot people
Spanish native speaker with several years of experience. I teach Spanish for business and technical English for engineering.
Spanish Native speaker, I'm actually studying at the university "Business" and taking another curse form my third language "Russian" I have an Advance knowledge of Spanish and English.
Spanish native speaker with 15 years of experience teaching English and 5 years of experience being a tutor for English and Spanish.
spanish and venezuelan woman with an university degree of Psychology and one and a half years of experience teaching spanish
Spanish native speaker, university degree in Marketing and Advertising. With some experience in teaching Spanish to local French natives and local English natives.
Spanish teacher from Barcelona, with more than five years' experience teaching in private academies with groups and individual lessons from all ages.
Spanish native speaker with a carrier in International relación and International Commerce and I speaker english and french.
Hola, soy profesora de comunicación en la Universidad de Barcelona y me gustaría enseñar español 'on line'. Espero que me puedan hacer llegar más información. Cordialmente, Silvia Cóppulo-Martinez
Spanish native speaker with experience in teaching english one on one tutoring.
Spanish native speaker, with 2 degrees and a Ace - Tesol Certificate As an instructor, students would describe me as being well qualified and able to motivate participants to explore new limits without discomfort. I pride myself with my reputation for being a strong communicator. What brings me the most rewards from the work I do is the feedback I receive from past students whom were able to enjoy new opportunities due to my tutoring.
Hi everyone, ready to hit Spanish? My name is Alexander, I am Colombian and I enjoy teaching my mother tongue, Spanish. I like to teach spanish grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, Colombian and Latin American culture. I am professional in communication and I want to help you learn and improve your spanish through the communicative style.
Spanish native speaker with a 6 year experience giving English classes to groups of managers and bosses in their workplace as well as children. Translator.
Spanish native speaker with a university degree and 1 year of tutoring experience
English and Spanish Language Teacher with 10 years of tutoring experience
Spanish native speaker with a university degree and five years of tutoring experience
Spanish native speaker with 5 years of experience teaching English and Spanish in a high school and with a Teacher Traing Certificate. My degree is in Law.
Argentinian teacher, translator and interpreter. Qualified and highly experienced. I currently teach Spanish online.