Spanish Language Tutors in Langley

We have found 4 local tutors offering private Spanish lessons in Langley and/or online.

Leysi V. Recommended

Internationally trained professional and native Spanish speaker from Colombia,with more than 10 years of experience teaching and tutoring adults privately as well as in group settings. Now Online lessons Available

Langley, BC & Online Spanish (n) CO
My Home/Office, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups
- 17 reviews

Karina M.

Spanish native speaking with a degree in Modern Language and more than 30 years of experience teaching English and Spanish to children and adults

Online Spanish (n) VE
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (10y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Langley, BC

Aurelio C.

Medical Imaging Professional with over 6 years expertise teaching at some universities, maintaining focus on delivering high level of education. Bilingual (Spanish/English) and excellent communicator.

Langley, BC Spanish (n) MX
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Gerardo L.

Spanish native with experience in comunication with a lot people

Online Spanish (n) MX
Youth, Adults
Langley, BC
For more options, please consider online Spanish tutors

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