Spanish Language Tutors in Guayaquil, Ecuador

We have found 3 local tutors offering private Spanish lessons in Guayaquil and/or online.

Argelys H.

A certified English teacher with five years’ experience in educating middle, high school students and adults’ learners; also took part of the teacher assistants of Universidad de Oriente, Núcleo Sucre (UDO), especially in the orientation of English Grammar and Applied Linguistics. Passionate about modern English literature, and young literature

Online Spanish (n), English VE
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Guayaquil, EC

Carlos P.

Ecuadorian native speaker with university education

Online Spanish (n) EC
Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults
Guayaquil, EC

Juan Carlos V.

Although I was born in Ecuador and speak Spanish as a native language, I also hold a C2 level in CEFR in English speaking ( native level) because I was raised with North-American people. I also hold a bachelor's degree in education and have been teaching for over 23 years

Guayaquil, Ecuador & Online Spanish (n) EC
My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups
For more options, please consider online Spanish tutors

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