We have found 629 local and online tutors offering private Spanish lessons. This is page 18 of the results.
Spanish native speaker from Mexico, University degree on communication from Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico city. Living in Vancouver BC since 2010.
Peruvian Spanish native tutoring the best Spanish ascent.
I am professional in Health Services. I like to teach Spanish or French. I Love teaching and I am proud of my native language
Spanish teacher, with more than 10 years of experience teaching Spanish, offering private lessons in grammar, culture and literature.
Spanish/English speaker (learned at age 5). Also fluent in Portuguese and French. I have been teaching English and Spanish as a second language since 1985. I have taught In Brazil, Chile, and in Montreal since 1996. TESL certificate (teacher's college) and finishing a minor at Concordia University (3 credits left)
Spanish native speaker with a degree in International Studies
Decades of history tutoring in various subjects to various skill levels. Have spent two months in Spain, some time in Mexico, Ecuador, and have been to Peru countless times for varying lengths (up to four months). Have visited France twice (just over one week each time), and lived in Montreal twice (and visited countless times). Have lived in Germany (6 months, exchange program, with school and work experience), and visited a few times since.
From Peru .. teaching Spanish On small groups, education: business administration
Spanish native teacher of Spanish and ESL for more than 10 years in Private Schools in Spain, using Moodle , 11 Platform, Ipads and used to prepare students to pass Official Exams such as Trinity, First and CAE. Debate in English Trainer for more than 4 years.
Spanish native speaker with a bachelor diploma in Translation (French to English and English to Spanish)
I'm a native Urdu speaker. I can teach English, Spanish and Urdu very well. I have a Certificate of Spanish language course from Cuba.
Spanish native speakers with a university degree in communication
Spanish native with experience in comunication with a lot people
Spanish native speaker with several years of experience. I teach Spanish for business and technical English for engineering.
Spanish native speaker, University degree in Business. English speaker. No French.
Spanish native speaker with high school equivalent degree and have 6 months of tutoring experience
Soy colombiano, mi lengua materna es el espanol. Soy Medico y Cirujano General.
Spanish Native speaker, I'm actually studying at the university "Business" and taking another curse form my third language "Russian" I have an Advance knowledge of Spanish and English.
Chilean native speaker, Dual citizen, forty year in Canada.
Spanish native speaker with 15 years of experience teaching English and 5 years of experience being a tutor for English and Spanish.