We have found 85 Portuguese language tutors who offer online Portuguese lessons and conversation practice via Skype, Zoom, etc. This is page 3 of the results.
Escolha um professor e comece suas aulas online hoje!
Brazilian Portuguese native speaker that wanna help you with conversation skills. I'll teach u the real Portuguese.
Portuguese native with University degrees in Portugal and England and several years of teaching experience.
Brazilian Speech Pathologist with 20 years of experience helping people improving their speaking abilities.
I speal 3 languges, portuguese, enlgish and spanish, being portuguese my mother tongue. English ans spanish are spoken, written and read in native levels.
Brazilian portuguese speaker leaving in Toronto for more than 10 years with a bachelor degree in arts and communication. Experience in tutoring portuguese, also experience dealing with people in general.
Portuguese native speaker with PhD, specialized in Didatica and Neurolinguistics, and twenty years of experience in Teaching Methodology.
Brazilian Portuguese native speaker with a communication college diploma.
Brazilian native visiting Canada with a college degree and a few months of amateur tutoring experience.
I'm Angélica, I live in the marvelous city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. I love literature, cinema and Brazilian music.
Portugues (Brazilian) native speaker with a university degree and 3+ years of experience as a tutor in Brazil and Canada
Brazilian native speaker with Bachelors degree in Business Management, and over 3 years of teaching english for brazilians and portuguese for foreigners.
Brazilian Portuguese native speaker with a master degree and currently a doctoral student. Twelve years of English tutoring experience and six years of Portuguese as second language tutoring. Five years teaching online.
Portuguese native speaker with 1+ year of experience teaching English/Portuguese language for kids and adults from other countries. Currently just teaching online using Skype! Will be back in Vancouver in 3 months!
Portuguese native speaker graduated in Tourism with one year of experience in tutoring.
Brazilian Portuguese native speaker with degree in artistic education and pedagogy with more than 10 years experience in the field
Summary of Skills and communication • Excellent communication skills in both English and Portuguese Experienced Portuguese teacher for Beginners and Intermediate levels and English teacher in Brazil. • Translator (Free lancer, member of the site Translator base.) • Graduated in Business Administration in Canada • Graduate in TESOL course in Canada (Teach English for Students of other languages) • Ability to work efficiently in a team and independently
Meu nome é Clarissa, nativa do Brasil, 24 anos, estudo Comunicação na Universidade PUC.
Portuguese native speaker with bachelors degree in History and Education at U of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Over 9 years experience teaching Portuguese for the YCDSB.
Portuguese native speaker. English instructor in Brazil. Lived an year in USA.
Portuguese- BR native speaker. Photographer, filmmaker and photography teacher . Graduated in Movies , currently studying Portuguese and English at UEMG. Speaks English, French and German.