We have found 11 piano tutors / private teachers who offer online piano lessons via Skype, Zoom, etc.
Over two decade of piano/theory teaching experience in the GVRD area. Native English speaker.
Piano, flute, violin and music theory teacher with 10+ yrs experience teaching all ages and abilities, RCM, ABRSM etc. Goal: make music lessons as fun, tailored to the individual and enjoyable as possible!
A flute teacher with a Bachelor of Music degree and experience of teaching for 15+ years, familiar with RCM exam preparation
Piano teacher with 15 years of experience
Piano teacher with Level 10 RCM certification, native english speaker.
Hello, my name is Trish Moore and I am the owner of Sage Piano Studio, located in Sooke, British Columbia. My mission is to pass on the love and passion that I have for music. I also believe that every person would benefit greatly from learning a musical instrument.
I believe in personalized classes for each student, thinking about the goal (hobby, professional, band, church, etc.) and adapting my methodology according to weekly study time and access to the instrument. My classes are divided into technical exercises and repertoire, always seeking to improve the student's musical skills and knowledge applied in practice. I think that studying music needs to be enjoyable, so my classes are always fun and exciting. I like to propose goals and create repertoires together with the student, always considering the student's musical taste and adapting the songs according to the technical level already acquired.
I’m an English speaker with a University degree in music and am a professional touring/session musician that’s opened for and played with some of the biggest names in the music business.
I've been teaching singing, piano and music theory from the past 15 years. I have helped students prepare for RCM and ABRSM exams upto Level 10 singing and Level 7 theory. Mostly my piano students enjoy learning from Faber books and I help them understand how to play the songs. Alot of my students are professional singers and performers who also take regular coaching from me for auditions, studio recordings and songwriting skills. Looking forward to help you clear your basic music theory concepts as well focusing on your stamina, breath control, vocal agility and pitch accuracy. My classes focus on technique, foundation ...
Voice and piano teacher with over 15 years of teaching experience
I am an owner of piano studio with student age of 6 to 65 years old. Originally from Ukraine, 20 years in Canada, speak Ukrainian, Russian, English. I