Mandarin Chinese Language Tutors in Los Angeles, CA

We have found 4 local tutors offering private Mandarin Chinese lessons in Los Angeles and/or online.

Hsiao-Fan L.

Hi, I am Hsiao-Fan, a native Mandarin/Chinese speaker. I graduated from Soochow University, School of Law, in Taiwan and already have 6 years of experience of tutoring. Learning Mandarin/Chinese may sound difficult, but it can be fun as well. I am a very patient tutor, and always try to figure out the best ways to help my students learn and like this amazing language. I live in the South Bay area, so Torrance would be a great location to have lessons, but it can be negotiated. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon.

Los Angeles, CA Mandarin Chinese (n)

Xiaotong L.

I am Chinese Mandarin native speaker and good at accent.

Los Angeles, CA Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Kids, Youth, Adults

Tai L.

Currently: Cerritos College Chinese Instructor Previously: Instructor of Chinese, English TESOL and Vietnamese Literature , at Angiang University in Vietnam Previously, Principal and teacher of Chinese, at Chinese School, Vietnam Language teaching experienced since early 1990s.

Los Angeles, CA Mandarin Chinese (n), Vietnamese

Xudong Y.

Mandarin Chinese native speaker with MBA degree and more than two years teaching experience

Los Angeles, CA Mandarin Chinese (n)
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