Mandarin Chinese Language Tutors in Nepean

We have found 2 local tutors offering private Mandarin Chinese lessons in Nepean and/or online.

Locations nearby Gatineau Ottawa

Julia Z.

As a native Mandarin Chinese speaker with a multicultural background, I bring a unique blend of language proficiency, cross-cultural communication skills, and extensive experience in translation and corporate training. I aim to create an immersive and dynamic learning environment for students, promoting linguistic fluency, cultural understanding, and personal growth.

Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (10y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Nepean, ON

Cynthia Z.

I am a native Mandarin-Chinese speaker who grew up in Canada after moving here when I was 5. Currently, I am pursuing an HBA degree at the Ivey School of Business (University of Western Ontario).

Nepean, ON English, Mandarin Chinese (n)
For more options, please consider online Mandarin Chinese tutors

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