Mandarin Chinese Language Tutors in Nanaimo

We have found 2 local tutors offering private Mandarin Chinese lessons in Nanaimo and/or online.

Florie S.

Mandarin Chinese native speaker with a university degree and more than two years teaching experience, speak English fluently.

Nanaimo, BC & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

George W.

As a teacher in a Chinese university, I've dedicated the past 11 years to imparting knowledge in Chinese language, history, and culture. My dedication has been recognized with the esteemed titles of Top Ten Teachers and Outstanding Young Teachers, accolades I've garnered fivefold. My academic pursuits have materialized in the publication of two books and 20 scholarly papers.Eager to share my passion and expertise, I aspire to provide you with a transformative journey through the wonders of Chinese language, history, and culture.

Nanaimo, BC & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
For more options, please consider online Mandarin Chinese tutors

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