Mandarin Chinese Language Tutors in Markham

We have found 7 local tutors offering private Mandarin Chinese lessons in Markham and/or online.

Xin Z. Recommended

700 hours of Mandarin lessons with 10 students have been delivered through face-to-face and Zoom teaching since 2019. Mandarin is my first language. The TEFL program (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) has helped me to understand Mandarin linguistically and profoundly developed my teaching profession after five years of teaching. I am teaching English as well. English is not my mother tongue, I have passed TEFL certificate and I have voluntarily taught many students since 10 years ago. I have helped Chinese students to prepare their final examination in middle school and high school to get significant higher marks in English. Welcome to join ...

Online Mandarin Chinese (n), English CN
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (8y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Markham, ON

Ina R.

I’m Chinese-Japanese. I can teach both Japanese and Mandarin.

Online Mandarin Chinese (n), Japanese CN
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults
Markham, ON
- 1 review

Shu Y.

I have lived in Canada for 8 years, recently I found I have a talent in teaching non-native Chinese speakers Chinese in whichever form, writing or speaking. They can understand what I mean fast because of my explicit explanation. I am a native speaker, who has a master's degree in China, so I don't want to keep the skills to myself. I want to help people who has a need in learning Chinese.

Markham, ON & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups

Caidie Z.

Working Experiences as below: -DECE Teacher Supply, York Region School Board -Teacher Supply, Upper Canada, YMCA, and Multiple Montessori Schools -Mandarin Teacher -Toronto Mandarin School -Manager and Supervisor Assistant, First Academy Montessori School

Markham, ON & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
My Home/Office, Learner's Home, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups

Kunpeng Y.

As I have been working and living in Beijing for more than 20 years , I speak standard Mandarin as a native speaker. I also have many years of the experience of the language teaching, training and assessment.

Markham, ON & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups

James Z.

I am Mandarin native speaker. I have been living in Canada for 20 years and I have 10 years experience of tutoring in English. I am fluent in both English and Chinese Mandarin.

Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Markham, ON

Queenie W.

Responsible Chinese Mandarin Teacher with rich teaching experience. Possess certificate of TCSOL and certificate of Putonghua Proficiency (Level 1-B). Plan, develop and deliver high-quality language lessons. Provide timely descriptive feedbacks to students and parents. Specializes in integrating Chinese culture and current news events into classroom to stimulate students’ enjoyment and appreciation. Extensive knowledge in Chinese culture and history, and expert in Chinese Calligraphy and Seal Cutting.

Markham, ON & Online Mandarin Chinese (n) CN
Learner's Home, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (5y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
For more options, please consider online Mandarin Chinese tutors

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