Italian Language Tutors in Chicago, IL

We have found 2 local tutors offering private Italian lessons in Chicago and/or online.

Alessandra S.

I am a university educated, native Italian/English speaker, with over 18 years of language teaching experience, including work in international language schools. Having learned Italian and English simultaneously as a child, I possess native proficiency in both languages, allowing for excellent comprehension of (and ability to explain/translate) idioms, colloquialisms, and language nuances to help students converse more naturally. I will help you build a strong foundation and get you speaking!

Chicago, IL & Online Italian (n), English (n)
In-person lessons are temporarily unavailable for the safety of all students. Feel free to inquire about online lessons!
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups

Giulia A.

I am an Italian native speaker and I think that the best way to learn a foreign language is to talk with a native speaker.

Chicago, IL Italian (n)
For more options, please consider online Italian tutors

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