Hindi Language Tutors. Page 5

We have found 92 local and online tutors offering private Hindi lessons. This is page 5 of the results.

Leela K.

I am Leela. I have completed my master degree in mathematics and also completed bachelor of education. I have 10 years of experience in teaching telugu, hindi, english languages and main subjects maths and social for higher classes like above 8th standard.

Online Hindi IN
Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (12y+), Youth, Groups
Hyderabad, IN

Harminder K.

I am from India, but it has been more than 20 years living in Panama *Central America. Currently, I have been teaching at a public university for the last 15 years. I have been teaching English courses to university students (undergraduate, graduate, master) and delivered various ESL/EFL courses to multi-level ESL students.

Online English, Spanish, Hindi (n), Punjabi IN
Learner's Home, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Youth, Adults, Groups
Panamá, PA

Ajay T.

I am fluent in speaking, writing, reading and listening Hindi language. Hindi was one of the subject upto my 12th standard.

Windsor, ON & Online Hindi CA
My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place

Kapila M.

I’m from India as a native Hindi speaker although in my home we learn Hindi and English simultaneously. I’m living in Canada from last 7 years. So we’ll versed with English too, also I used to use only English in my teaching profession time in India for teaching young kids.

Online English, Hindi (n) IN

Nepean, ON

Autar S.

Indian from fiji. Really good with conversational hindi and punjabi.

Saanich, BC Hindi (n) FJ
Learner's Home, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Youth, Adults, Groups

Karan J.

I am an Indian staying in Canada, have spent 30 years in Mumbai. Very fleunt in Hindi, English and Marathi.

Online Hindi (n), Marathi IN
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids, Youth, Adults
Toronto, ON

Fekha S.

My mother tongue is Hindi... I have a very strong Hindi vocabulary, can very fluently speak Hindi...I can write and understand Hindi very well.. I have tutoring experience as well.

Ajax, ON & Online Hindi (n) IN
My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced

Kapila M.

I’m a teacher with over 12 years experience in teaching in India. Presently, I’m struggling to set my career here.

Online Hindi (n) IN
My Home/Office

Nepean, ON

Tehseena N.

Indian native Hindi speaker, with many prizes and awards won in intra and inter-school Hindi competitions. More than 5 years of tutoring experience teaching students of different ages and nationalities.

Waterloo, ON & Online Hindi (n) IN
My Home/Office, Learner's Home
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (6y+), Youth

Hardeep Kaur R.

Indian native speaking hindi, punjabi.16 year experience in teaching.

Delta, BC & Online Hindi (n) IN
Learner's Home, Public Place

Rohit V.

I have around 6 years experience in tutoring English, Mathematics and Hindi language.

Winnipeg, MB & Online Hindi (n) IN
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Gayatri A.

I have a teaching experience of one year in DPS Ludhiana. I can teach both languages as Hindi is my native language and English is my studied language.

Online Hindi (n) IN
Kids (5y+), Adults
Ludhiāna, IN

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