We have found 29 local and online tutors offering private Greek lessons. This is page 2 of the results.
I am a greek native speaker, without a degree, but with one year experience of teaching English and Greek in Asia.
I am bilingual in Greek and English. I was born in California and have lived in Greece for 8 years. I studied English as a second language teaching from the University of Greenwich but took classes at New York College, in Athens, Greece. Currently, I am teaching Greek to third and fourth graders at my church.
A little about me: I was born in Greece and moved to London, England when I was 9 years old, where I grew up and was educated. I have taught English as as second language for 20 years and Greek as a second language for 10 years.My philosophy is “Those that know do, those that understand teach”( Aristotle)
Native in Greek and living in the States for twenty years. Looking to tutor. Consentration in grammar and oral part, with emphasis to the fundamentals of composition.
English native speaker, studied Greek and Latin in college, including graduate level courses.
Bilingual English and Greek speaker looking to tutor in either language.
Greek native speaker with two years experience in teaching greek to foreigners
Bilingual Greek/English speaker. Near native competence in German. Experience in teaching international students, from different backgrounds/proficiency level.
I am a greek qualified teacher with more than 12 years of experience teaching in greek and international schools.