French Language Tutors in Toronto. Page 2

We have found 28 local tutors offering private French lessons in Toronto and/or online. This is page 2 of the results.

Ange N.

French is my second language that i speak fluently

Toronto, ON & Online French (n) BI
Learner's Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Soleil L.

I grew up speaking both French and English fluently. I graduated highschool with a French diploma (core French, not french immersion) and have since continued to speak , read, and write in both french and english.

Online French (n) CA
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (5y+), Youth, Adults
Toronto, ON

Yunseon L.

Native Korean who speaks French and English fluently. Ideal for korean students who would like to start learning French and for English/ French speakers who are interested in learning Korean.

Online Korean (n), French KR
Currently online only
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults, Groups
Toronto, ON
- 1 review

Juliana P.

Hello! My name is Juliana and I am an English native speaker with over 10 years of tutoring experience. I am a qualified teacher from Canada, and TEFL/TEFOL certified.

Online French, English (n), Italian CA
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Toronto, ON

Mandy P.

persian native speaker with a master's degree in french language and 13 years of teaching experience at school, after school programs, college and online tutoring. If you dont live in Toronto or you live too far, you could always try my online lessons with a perfect method helping you improve your french very easily and fast.

Online French IR
My availabilities changes a lot, but it could be very flexible and easier for my students. Please let me know your availabilities so that I could check my schedule.
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Toronto, ON

Vera Z.

I finished French language and literature as major and Italian as minor at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Beside my day job as bilingual Account Specialist, I was teaching evening classes at Toronto District School Bord under the program Learn4Life, beginner and Intermediate/Advanced courses.

Toronto, ON & Online French CA
My Home/Office, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults

Bhavna P.

Hi, I'm Bhavna Prashar, a student studying French for over 10 years!

Toronto, Toronto, ON & Online French CA
Learner's Home, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (5y+)

Samah E.

PhD, fluent in Arabic and French. Have several years of teaching experience.

Online French
Kids (7y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Toronto, ON
For more options, please consider online French tutors

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