We have found 353 local and online tutors offering private French lessons. This is page 14 of the results.
True passion to share knowledge and mother tongue. I find it really interesting to be bilingual especially if knowing English and French. I believe that by teaching you help yourself and others.
Spanish native speaker, I have a university degree in Teaching languages and 3 years of teaching experience.
French native speaker with a Master degree and a 1 year tutoring experience in French.
French native speaker with a bachelor degree in German langage and a Master degree in marketing and more than 3 years experience (1 year french assistant in Germany, private tutoring...)
French speaker, bilingual in Englishm University degree and experiences in tutoring French as well as Australian students
USC graduate with a French degree and international experience studying and working in Paris, France. Fluent in French after 6 years of French courses at the high-school and university level, and a year and a half of living in France. Certified in Business French by the Paris Chamber of Commerce.
French native speaker with a Ph.D. in Francophone Studies and more than 6 years of tutoring experience
I am a French native speaker, with a university master degree, and two years of teaching experience.
Chinese native speaker with a university degree and 4 years' working experience as translator and intepreter of french
Arabic and French native speaker with master degree with two years experiences of tutoring
English native speaker who has had multiple experiences teaching ESL to high school, college, and adult speakers of other languages. Although I am not a native speaker of French, I am near native and am often taken for a native speaker. I have taught/tutored French to the same groups as above.
Before coming here to the United States to learn English I lived most of my life in France where I got my high school diploma many years ago.
Spanish native speaker with a degree from Pepperdine University and two years of tutoring experience
Native Portuguese speaker. Also fluent in French, Italian, Spanish and English. Former University language teacher. I have tutored individuals in all these languages for more than 10 years.
Arabic native speaker with French university degree and two years of teaching Arabic experience and three years of teaching French.
I was born in America, but I can speak Arabic fluently because it is the language that my family prefers to speak at home. I have been learning to read and write in Arabic and my university is allowing me to skip Arabic III for an advanced Arabic texts class. I have also been studying French for three years.
French is my native language i was teaching when i was back home now i moved to the USA im in collège now and ill graduade next year
French native speaker currently studying at UCLA (french major) with 8 years of french tutoring experiences.