We have found 29 local tutors offering private English lessons in Victoria and/or online. This is page 2 of the results.
Native German and Polish, fluent in English. I lived a few years in Poland, 25 years in Germany and only moved to Canada in 2021. Bachelor's in educational science.
Tagalog Filipino native language with English native-like speaker; MA in Educ.; BC Certified Teacher; taught in English and French tracks in BC public schools. Prefers to tutor elementary level students and Adult ESL learners.
Korean native speaker and I've been teaching for over 19 years and I have a master's degree on Linguistics. If you are looking for a friendly and outgoing teacher, then I am the one you are looking for^^
Vietnamese native speaker with university degree major in Mathematics and one year tutoring experience.
I have 1 year experience teaching English As Second Language to immigrants and refugees.
Mandarin Chinese Speaker, will be graduating this November. I have 1 year experience of tutoring English and 1 year experience volunteering Mandarin Tutor.
Hi there , I have working and training people in FRench and English for the past decade . I am familiar and confident with helping some fo your student to improve their experience while learning
Persian native speaker with Diploma of TESOL from Canada and over 15 years of teaching ESL/IELTS classes in across the world: Iran, Australia, and Canada.
Japanese native speaker with Canadian citizenship. I have a degree in Second Language Studies in Japanese and English and have been teaching English since 2007.