English Tutors in New Westminster

We have found 5 local tutors offering private English lessons in New Westminster and/or online.

Lucía T. Recommended

As a professional instructor with a PhD in Education, a MA in Communication, and 20+ years experience teaching Spanish and English as well as academic and creative writing, I'll be happy to help you achieve your goals.  Book a consultation/ coaching session to discuss your objectives either as a language student or a language instructor.  I'll be happy to assist you by giving you the tools to reach your objective at your own pace. Looking forward to hearing from you.

New Westminster, BC & Online Spanish (n), English
Some spots still available during weekdays Monday to Friday.
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Youth, Adults
- 8 reviews

Mikhaell D.

I'm a Brazilian teacher with 7 years of experience. I taught English and Portuguese as a second language in one of the biggest schools in Brazil.

New Westminster, BC & Online Portuguese (n), English BR
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
- 1 review

Majd A.

Syrian Arabic speaker with high school degree and an undergraduate Computer Science student.

New Westminster, Vancouver, Burnaby, BC Arabic (n), English SY
2 hours for $90
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Mercedes B.

I'm a professional teacher of English with 13 years of experience tutoring students individually and teaching in classroom settings. I’m a Spanish native speaker with a 4 years Advanced Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language, passionate about teaching and resourceful. Soy profesora de Inglés certificada en Argentina con 13 años de experiencia dando clases particulares y en el aula. Apasionada por la docencia y con gran facilidad para encontrar recursos online.

New Westminster, BC & Online English AR
Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
- 2 reviews

Arthi K.

Working and training people in contact center industry has shaped my English language for professional use. My master's in English language and my bachelor's in education backed me up for teaching this language.

New Westminster, BC & Online English IN
My Home/Office, Learner's Home or Work, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (8y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
For more options, please consider online English tutors

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