English Tutors in Kitchener

We have found 4 local tutors offering private English lessons in Kitchener and/or online.

Juliane H.

I'm a German native speaker with a teaching degree (MEd in ESL, history as teachables) and I have been teaching German for several years working in different settings.

Kitchener, ON & Online German (n), English DE
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
- 1 review

Parminderjeet Singh D.

Punjabi native speaker with master's degree. I have given IELTS exam.

Online English CA
Beginners, Intermediate
Youth, Adults, Groups
Kitchener, ON

Jigneshkumar P.

I am indian and have good hold on foreign language. Have worked with international team like British Council and IDP.

Kitchener, ON & Online English (n) IN
My Home/Office
Youth, Adults, Groups

Lucyna M.

Polish native speaker with collegend educated

Kitchener, ON & Online Polish (n), English PL
Kids, Youth, Adults
For more options, please consider online English tutors

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