We have found 1730 local and online tutors offering private English lessons. This is page 63 of the results.
i can teach and be a part of teaching training team.
Dominican Republic native with Dr. Lawyer in Republic Dominican. Studying Criminal Justice in New York.
Spanish native speaker with experience in teaching english one on one tutoring.
Polish native speaker with collegend educated
I have been teaching English language skills, and preparation courses for IELTS, and TOEFL for more than 15 years, havingy PhD in English Language.
English native speaker with over 10 years experience teaching adults.
Spanish language speaker with some experience teaching.
Native English speaker with university degree and qualifications in TEFL and TESOL education and experience with volunteer teaching in South East Asia.
Mandarin Chinese native speaker with 2 years teaching experience
English native speak. I have 15 years experience teaching ESL and lived in South Korea for 12 years.
10 years experience executive conversation classes, primary and high school english or spanish teacher
I am an Arabic native speaker and teacher. I taught Arabic in many countries including the US. I am an Active teacher who has a lot of experience in both teaching and technology. My philosophy in teaching is that “Happy kids learn" Students should learn by themselves in a supervised, safe and facilitated atmosphere through the use of games and teaching activities. I worked in all stages; elementary, middle and high schools. I have a lot of training and international certificates in language teaching. I also participated in international educational programs and projects in my home country and in the ...
Spanish native speaker with a 6 year experience giving English classes to groups of managers and bosses in their workplace as well as children. Translator.
English native speaker with a masters degree in french language, diploma course in German language, very excellent arabic because i stay with arabic speakers and i can teach it to all levels
English speaking. Have a B.A. in History. Live and work in Toronto for the last 29yrs.
Italian native speaker, university degree in Political Science. I have tutored for many years in Rome and London UK.
Somali, Arabic and English speaking. I have five years experiencing tutoring. I am able to teach English and Somali.
Portugues (Brazilian) native speaker with a university degree and 3+ years of experience as a tutor in Brazil and Canada