Arabic Language Tutors in Vancouver

We have found 4 local tutors offering private Arabic lessons in Vancouver and/or online.

Majd A.

Syrian Arabic speaker with high school degree and an undergraduate Computer Science student.

New Westminster, Vancouver, Burnaby, BC Arabic (n), English SY
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Phaedra A.

Arabic native speaker, fluent in colloquial levantine Arabic, specifically Jordanian and Lebanese dialect. I can teach reading and writing in fos'ha to non-native speakers or children and adults willing to improve their Arabic.

Vancouver, BC & Online Arabic (n) JO
Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids, Youth, Adults

Faisal Y.

I am a former teacher. I can teach any subject up to grade 10

Vancouver, BC Arabic (n) IQ
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

Soubhi M.

My name is Soubhi صبحي and I’m Syrian. Born and raised in Damascus, the capital of Arabic culture and language. I’m an Architect. My choice to teach the Arabic language is a way for me to stay connected to my roots, culture, language and country and I hope to transfer that magic of my language onto you as well!

Vancouver, BC & Online Arabic (n) SY
Learner's Home, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids, Youth, Adults
For more options, please consider online Arabic tutors

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